01 Jun June Picnic

Picnic Days at MVT
The British writer W. Somerset Maugham said, “There are few things so pleasant as a picnic eaten in perfect comfort.” The Mt. Vernon Towers annual picnic on June 1 may not have offered “perfect comfort,” but it sure was a heck of a good time.
About 45 residents boarded the Mt. Vernon bus and headed north to beautiful Morgan Falls Park in Sandy Springs. The morning was all blue sky and sunshine as members strolled the park grounds and watched the kids play ball. A number of residents enjoyed climbing onto the swings to enjoy an iconic summer ritual.
Lunch was kicked-up picnic fare including freshly grilled chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs, accompanied by baked beans, cole slaw and potato salad. And of course, no picnic is complete without cookies and watermelon!
Our annual picnic got summer off to a great start at The Towers. Learn more about the stimulating, gracious lifestyle at Mount Vernon Towers, Sandy Springs’ leading senior residential community, by calling (404) 255-3534.
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