26 Feb To Live Well, Remember to Take Care of Your Health

Living well includes taking good care of your physical and mental health – and as people age, many opt to get checked regularly for possible memory issues in addition to their annual physical examination.
Plan your next doctor’s visit
As a follow up to a memory screening or if you want to discuss other memory concerns with your physician or other healthcare professional, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America suggests to bring a list of current medications, notes on symptoms and other issues, and a list including these questions:
- What is my diagnosis?
- What other tests should I take?
- Should I see a neurologist, geriatrician or other specialist?
- How often do I need to see you?
- What changes in condition should I report to you?
- What are the symptoms and time span of the disease?
- What are all the available treatments?
- In addition to medication, do you have recommendations regarding diet, exercise, including brain exercise, and other lifestyle changes?
- Do you have information about community resources including support groups, educational workshops and services for my family?
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