20 Jan Living at Mount Vernon Towers: It’s a Home Run!

On Monday, January 5, 2015, Fredi Gonzalez, the Manager of the Atlanta Braves, hosted an informal gathering with the residents of Mount Vernon Towers, the retirement community in the heart of Sandy Springs.
The Northside Neighbor newspaper sent photographer Samantha Shal to record the event, and this fun article appeared in the January 14 issue of the weekly newspaper.
More than 70 residents and staff members at Mount Vernon Towers enjoyed the opportunity to meet Fredi Gonzalez in person. He answered many different questions from the die-hard Braves fans, and shared a wealth of stories about life on the road and his team’s most memorable games.
Fredi Gonzalez was recently honored at the “Thanks A Million” event by the Thanks Mom & Dad Fund, a charity created to honor parents, grandparents and mentors by supporting programs and services for the aging population. Mount Vernon Towers’ Tommy Miller is on the Board of Trustees of this organization. The Thanks Mom & Dad Fund works to improve the quality of life for older adults and honors the contributions of older adults one generation to another by raising funds and making grants to agencies serving them.
To learn more about living at Mount Vernon Towers, please visit www.mountvernontowers.com. To make reservations for a private tour, please call (404) 255-3534.
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