16 Mar It Takes A Village To Feel at Home

Mrs. Hanner writes:
“I moved to Mount Vernon Towers in May of 2015 knowing not a soul here, but thanks to the Newcomers Table, I immediately met some wonderful people. I loved being here from the very beginning.
Walking my dog, Angel, introduced me to more great residents. It finally occurred to me that Mount Vernon Towers with its 300+ units is the size of a small village – where we all can meet on excursions, special events, or meals in our great dining room.
Fast forward to January 24, 2016.
On a cold, icy afternoon I started taking Angel for a quick walk (haste makes waste!). Down I went on the ice. Observing my foot headed in a different direction than my leg, I knew I was in big trouble. Thus I commenced to yell ‘Help!’ as loudly as I could. After just a few minutes, my ‘good Samaritan,’ Nancy, another resident at Mount Vernon Towers, and some young women came to my aid. They called 911 on their cell phone, and then called Mount Vernon Towers’ front desk. The lady at the front desk, with the aid of the information form we all fill out when we move here, called my daughter.
Chris (Peterson, Executive Director) appeared as the ambulance pulled up and took charge of my dog. This whole process did not take more than 30 minutes. Everything went like clockwork.
Since I came back home from the Emergency Room at St. Joseph’s, everyone in this wonderful village of Mount Vernon Towers has been so kind and caring. I feel so fortunate to be living in Mount Vernon Towers and want to say “Thank You!” to all my new ‘village friends’!”
Thank you, Mrs. Hanner, for taking the time to share your story about the caring residents and staff at Mount Vernon Towers. We hope that you are mending well!
To learn more about living your best life in a comfortable, convenient and spacious condominium in Mount Vernon Towers, the top retirement community in the heart of Sandy Springs, please contact Curt Frinkle at (404) 255-3534 for a private tour.
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