06 Feb Mount Vernon Towers’ Doris Davies Celebrates 25 Years as ‘Tax Aide’ Volunteer

Mrs. Doris Davies was honored with a ‘diamond’ tiara for her 25 years of service as a Tax-Aide volunteer.
Mrs. Doris Davies, who has lived with her husband Guy at Mount Vernon Towers since 2007, thrives on helping others. She is an active Member of the Board of Directors of Mount Vernon Towers, and also coordinates the popular and growing “Couples Club” at the independent living community in the heart of Sandy Springs.
Since 1989, Mrs. Davies has been working with AARP Foundation Tax-Aide to help low- and moderate income taxpayers prepare their taxes and ensure that they receive applicable tax credits and deductions. This free service is especially geared toward seniors 60 and older.
Mrs. Davies is one of a cadre of trained and dedicated AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers who work from February 1 until April 15 in every state of the US and in the District of Columbia. Each year, volunteers are required to be recertified and pass an “IRS prep test.”
Again this year, Tax-Aide will offer two sessions per week in the Sandy Springs Library:
on Tuesdays (except March 18) from 10:15AM-3PM,
on Thursdays from 10:15AM-2PM, and
on March 5 and April 2 from 4-6PM.
“In addition, there will be two sessions per week in the Dorothy Benson Senior Center in Sandy Springs between February 5 and April 15,” says Mrs. Davies. “Also, we will offer Tax-Aide counseling services at Mount Vernon Towers for residents who are less mobile.”
“Last year, AARP volunteers helped to prepare and file over 600 federal income tax returns in Sandy Springs. They also helped to prepare and file a similar number of state tax returns,” according to Mike Morrisey, Local Coordinator. “The federal tax returns that our team prepared at the Sandy Springs Library had an average Adjusted Gross Income of $27,700 and resulted in an average refund of $1,236.”
Nationwide, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide helped more than 2.6 million people file state and federal income taxes. Taxpayers who used AARP Foundation Tax-Aide received $1.3 billion in income tax refunds and more than $244 million in Earned Income Tax Credits. (source: AARP Foundation “To Serve” – winter 2014)
Mrs. Davies, who retired from Union Oil & Gas after an illustrious career in accounting, systems and planning, has played a number of different roles within the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program during the last 25 years. She has worked on the state level, served as a counselor and as an instructor, and was an Administrative Specialist with the State Board for quite a while.
“These days, I do enjoy just going across the street to work with the people who come to the library,” she says. “I am proud to be the “Tax Lady” and even though it is a major commitment of time and energy, I have enjoyed every one of my 25 years with AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, and hope to be able to assist people with their taxes for many more years.”
Thank you, Mrs. Davies, for all you do!
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