The Joyful Art of Living at Mount Vernon Towers

The Joyful Art of Living at Mount Vernon Towers

Shelly Gianino

Since moving to Mount Vernon Towers in July 2013, Shellyand her husband Charlie Gianino have become a big part of the vibrant community here.

“Living here is so joyful – we’ve become very active in a number of the many fun events and activities that are always on the calendar,” notes Mrs. Gianino, who is in the middle of coordinating the second annual Comedy Show at The Towers.

“We have some marvelous artists who live at Mount Vernon Towers – including many of my new friends who are talented painters and sculptors. And then there are lots of residents who love to act and perform, as well as great singers (check out The Melodears!), musicians and gifted mimes. This is a great place for creative spirits!” she says.

Even though Mrs. Gianino trained and worked as a nurse as well as a Business Education teacher teaching shorthand, typing and accounting, the Mensa member with the big smile definitely approaches life as art.

She lived in the Santa Clarita Valley in California for almost 20 years, where she was the Film Librarian for Universal Studios, helping directors and filmmakers find just the right stills and archival footage to complete their projects.

Inspired by new ideas, she also hosted seminars for LifeSpring, and led the growing company’s leadership program. “This is where I learned to fine-tune my skill as a public speaker, and that definitely includes the ability to act and engage others.”

Back on the East Coast, Mr. and Mrs. Gianino, who share four children and six grandchildren, first lived in Florida and then moved to Woodstock to be closer to their family. “Seven and a half hours is a long drive to see your granddaughter’s ballet recital,” she explains with a smile.

“We found a great house in Woodstock – until I skidded on the hardwood floors and broke both my shoulder and my foot, and had to stay in rehab for almost seven weeks. That’s when I realized that I was no longer able to take care of a big home,” says Mrs. Gianino.

“Charlie and one of our daughters found our condominium at Mount Vernon Towers while I was still recuperating. I was very upset and did not want to move. I told him that ‘I’m not making one decision.’ But I am so glad that we are here now!”

Mrs. Gianino has found it quite easy to make new friends here. “It’s not hard if you make the effort, and I am thrilled that now the performers in the Comedy Show trust me enough to put on coconut bras!”

We are glad that Mr. and Mrs. Gianino have embraced life at Mount Vernon Towers and look forward to sharing many more events and shows with them in the years to come!

Mount Vernon Towers in Sandy Springs, one of Atlanta’s most desirable and convenient neighborhoods, offers a number of different floor plans, a variety of activities and social events, excellent dining and 24-hour security, as well as a 28-bed personal care community: Sandy Springs Assisted Living. Call to set up a personal tour soon.
“Gracious Independent Living for the Young at Heart”


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